Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MORE of the BrEaK!

Cheesecake Factory. Just finished eating!

Look out point

We found the look out point on our drive to Haunama Bay. We took the back way and found it. I was so glad we decided to pull over! It was such a pretty look out!

Kua' Aina Burger with Mich in Haleiwa

Lei Lei's at Turtle Bay with Kahi and Ka'imi... AKA my hanai sisters

Livin the Life

just goofin. The girl in the Brown Tee is my "little sis" on the team. She is a twin and actually older than me:) She is a transfer from Cali!

some of the team at one of our favorite yogurt places

Acai Bowls after the win!


PCC night with the girls

It has been a while but there isn't to much to catch up on. Soccer, beach, frozen yogurt, costco, wal-mart, Haleiwa, Kahi's house, shopping,Turtle bay, Cheesecake Factory, Robson's mission call, PCC, Waikiki has been my life the past two weeks! I have been on break since September 2nd just livin it up! I have mostly been with Mich. We always went to the beach in between practices:) The BYU Hawaii Women's Seasiders are 3-0 right now! All of our games have been pre season. our first conference game is on Saturday vs. UH Hilo. We are doing well in our games but we can't seem to score in the first half. Anyways, school starts tomorrow so I guess there is more to Hawaii then the beach and soccer:) I'm not too nervous because my load is pretty light for my last semester. It paid off going to school this summer at Provo! I'll add the game write ups on the next posts!