Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My birthday was the best birthday. I got so many phone calls and birthday wishes through facebook, text, and voicemails. That morning we took team pictures at Rockies. After pics we played beach volleyball. We did food assignments for the BBQ that night. Mich, Oz and I went to Ko'Olina, my favorite beach, and layed out for most of the day. After the beach we went to costco and bought the food for the BBQ. Buns, hamburgers, hot dogs, salad. We had so many samples at costco and Mich told the pumpkin pie lady it was my birthday, next thing I know she has made a "special sample" for me she loaded the whip cream on it was towering over the pumpkin pie. The BBQ was at Kami and Brenna's house. Their house is reallynice and really big so everyone was able to fit. We played games, ate lots of food, did my birthday cake and had a dance party. It was so fun to be with the team and all of my friends. My friend from Utah was visiting so I was glad that she could be there.

I loved getting mom, grandma's, Amy's Brookie's card in the mail and your gifts were perfect! I have already used the costco card Amy got me, of course! And I am planning on taking Kahi and her sister to cheesecake this weekend with that giftcard you gave me. They got me a new backpack for my birthday and did all the BBQ'ing at my party. They are so good to me:)

Mom you are the ultimate card finder. I busted out laughing when I read it! Anyways Thank You for everything. Love you

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