Monday, August 15, 2011


Finally, we have begun! No more waiting! This morning we woke up at 4am. The team met at the little circle at 4:30 to warm up and we started at 5am! Our first fitness test was the 1-1/2 mile run. My least favorite of all the fitness tests. It was still dark which made it nice weather . Me Kami and Kim like to keep a good pace in the front. On the last lap I was falling a little bit behind so I just say, "Guys!"and they say, "You got it britt! C'mon!" I finished in 9min and 19 seconds. They were just ahead of me at 9min and 2 seconds. Then we did juggling and because it was still dark it was hard to see the ball. We finished with 2 sets of shuffles and then two forty yd. dash runs. my stomach was really good today. I have stuck with the medication and also my probiotics and digestive enzymes. so far so good!

The sunrise was soooo pretty this morning. it will be great to see it for the next two weeks! I had class and around 11 or 12 o clock I was pretty tired. I came home and sent brookie's b-day package along with some other suprises! :)

Afternoon practice was fun we played small sided games and then full field. You can already kind of guess who he thinks the starting 11 will be. It was fun to actually have goalies and shoot on the big goals today. I came home and ate dinner since bedtime is now so early! Carissa Henley and her friend Brittney just flew in today and are staying with me. The timing wasn't the best, but I'm glad they will be here for my birthday! I just feel bad they will be woken up every morning at 4!

I need to go work on some stats quizzes but I will let you know how tomorrow goes. One day down! Love you!

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